Over fifty years of experience in motor repairs and sales

Established in 1964, Northern Natal Armature Winders (NNAW) has over fifty
years of experience in motor repairs and sales and has grown to be a respected and reputable company.
Committed to continual improvement in providing Service Excellence, Northern Natal Armature Winders has in place a formal Quality Management System based on the framework of the ISO 9001 standards.
Northern Natal Armature Winders is located in Newcastle in the northern parts of Kwa-Zulu Natal.
This centralised location enables the company to easily provide a quality service to a wide spectrum of industries in KZN and Mpumalanga as well as greater metropolitan areas of Johannesburg, Durban and
beyond. Examples of industries in which Northern Natal Armature Winders currently provides its services are the Mining, Electricity Supply, Chemical, Tyre, Steel and Paper Industries.
Northern Natal Armature Winders is accredited with numerous suppliers / agencies with which it has entered into partnerships agreements:
- ABB / Baldor / Reliance Electric
- Actom
- Siemens
- Zest (WEG)
The following Certification has been granted to Northern Natal Armature WInders:
- B-BBEE QUALIFYING SMALL ENTERPRISE Level Two (125% B-BBEE Procurement Recognition)
- MASC Permit
SANS 60079-0/1/15 (Ex d)